Monday, October 31, 2011

Looking UP

I was sitting in Freedom Park with my friend, Alena, and she said the most amazing thing. She said," People should look up more often at the trees!"

If you think about it, we spent our whole childhood looking up at the world in amazement. Now? We hardly see it. We are so caught up in our mind that we are busy thinking about or moving towards the "next" thing and ignoring everything around us. You can forget our taking a moment or two to look up!

You could take the idea of looking up in two ways. Literally as in looking up at the trees and the clouds in the sky or figuratively as we look to God for comfort, understanding and most of all to give him praise.

So often we get caught in the midst of going that we never really exist in that moment. It's not bad to look forward but it is bad to look completely past where you are and negate all that you are doing. 

When was the last time you looked up? When was the last time you just sat and took in your surroundings? Rather than calling someone after every great or bad thing that happens, spend that moment taking it in.

Feel that moment and love your life. It's the only one you have and it's a blessing!

Let's look up:

"Turn my eyes away from worthless things;
preserve my life according to your word."

   Psalm 119: 37

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