Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hope Despite...

1) eyes droop
body sloop
what have we to find
when our body aches
and no peace comes to mind

where is our solace
our hope
our way to cope
are we blind

2) or are we stuck
in the muck
of the world we have created
rather than part
we are the whole
and as loneliness
opens the door
and asks to stay a while
where do we find that smile

3) or worse on top of that
we lose what we once had
a love we thought was true
but now, that is through

4) or we have love and not of
what it will become or be
and through that am not truly free
but lost and captive to these thoughts
the battle fought
on and on each day

but at the end
there is one thing

All) We pray

something that might seem to be
thin words
lacking filling or warmth
but rather it is a warm soup
which first soothes
and then replinishes
and in all things finishes
to fill the things we did not know
that only time could show
needed doing

and as this coffee is brewing
over conversations had
that should make one sad
the truth is this

"It's His"
and in his hands
this is not a moment of sifting sand
but a rock
driven in time
slowly changing
to become the perfect gem

so don't listen to them
or even to you
but rather to what your heart tells you to do
and pray
it is the way
to trust and be
when you can't really see
and in that we have hope.


  1. This is AWESOME I think the next time a poetry slam comes to Charlotte I know someone who should be there. And this time on the stageee ;)
