Friday, May 16, 2014

The Nod to Love

Mom told me
they tried group
therapy once
for me

I didn't handle things well
she said

pieces clicking
in my head

so what does this say?
where does this leave me today?

afraid to write
afraid God might be right
that life is
and can be better
and the voices I've always known are lies

cries push in from every side
but behind walls my heart hides
and gently pushes back
yes, now there is a blessed slack

a give

a break

more I can take
and yet don't have to
because my mind will gently release
the thoughts that keep my mind from peace

and as we push and prod
its like I receive a nod
from God
through words and phrases

and my depression
is less a season
more like phases

so as we pull back the layers
and see
the mess inside of me
bleeding on the ground
the source
with each part
is more easily found

my time with you is more sound
my love, my friend, my everything
so much peace and healing you bring
and as the voices sing and sometimes scream
you sing right back and hold me tight
and everything is right

we may not be over the river and through the woods.. yet
but for the first time I do not fret
I pray and see you are the perfect man for me
and my God has provided in all things
and especially with you

He is my heart beat tried and true
and suddenly life is a little more green than blue..

Tyler J. Claes, I love you!

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