Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Story

Twinkling stars
put on their too-toos
and they start dancing around in squares

saying look at me
I can fly
not knowing why

they are going in angles
they say honk honk

"I like that"
the dog says
walking in the door
and then the cat says
"why do you have too-toos on stars?"

"You have to have bows too!

Did you know that?

Now chop chop
or you'll get my claw for dinner
and you will be sorry
so get those bows on your head
or you will be the dogs lunch and my dessert.

you hear me?"

The end!

Bella, Jenna, & Liz

Our Poem

Little holes
open up
gaping empty
in the land
stretched taught

as all is naught

and love is brought
swirling down
with the tiniest leaf
a memory
like a relief
enters in


a rainbow
streaming through
something new
a beautiful angel

and she says
i am so pretty
and witty
and wise
look at my beautiful eyes

i smell like flowers
and fresh late showers
and cookie powers

with which i spread my sweetness and love
a rainbow gift from above

and then I dance around the sun
and invite the stars to my house
and they wake all our household mouses

and the mouses with bows on their heads
jump around in circles
cheering "yay stars
from so very far
we are happy you are here

you are so shiny
my eyes hurt
and you make me want to run around in circles"

I like drinking in
your famous fountain
of dancers

that jump back and forth
and all around
sparkling and twinkling
and making funny sounds

like honk
and doodlebop.


Bella, Jenna, & Liz

Monday, August 11, 2014


A voice I held so dear
in laughing he felt so near
and always
in my childhood memories

there is no way to describe
this man
who can?
his words so timely
and full of wit
who brought all of the world
to listen and sit

as his voices changed
pitches rearranged

after character
he became

as he bounced
and he flounced
and flitted

there seemed none
more fitted
with joy
and yet this man
was not always so

but this is the man we know

whose gift
might have been his curse
but his words
were rarely rehearsed

each quick quip
gently left his tongue
to soothe your ears
and lift your heart
and give each moment a second start

there is in sadness some
at this end
of our good but distant friend

may we always pray
for those we know
and pray in hope and love they grow

Robin Williams, we will miss you so.


RIP my dear friend, Robin Williams, that I never met but always felt like I knew. My father looks and acts like you. Humor is a brilliant gift. You are loved. Always and forever.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

25 Days ( :

Sitting down to breathe
I see the things I "need"
and then my spirit Heeds
to the Spirit
in me

to pause
and to be
to let myself... free


too many times
I get lost in my head
laying on the floor
things to be said
poured over
and spilled out

feeling all the voices
explicitly shout-ing



my heart

and I start to lose myself

but he comes and sits
and listens through all of it
eyes so sad
not the least bit mad
and yet
I always ask if he is
as if wishing to know
if that anger with time will grow
as I deeply fear he will
but the more I spill
the more his heart grows
and the more I know
he will never change

he will love and support me
and I can "rest under" his leadership
as I seek God in all things
He says "be still
one word is all I need"

I ask for help
begging on my knees
and Tyler lifts me up
my answered prayer
and like a cup
I am filled
and love spills
not thoughts

how much love this love has brought...