Tuesday, August 5, 2014

25 Days ( :

Sitting down to breathe
I see the things I "need"
and then my spirit Heeds
to the Spirit
in me

to pause
and to be
to let myself... free


too many times
I get lost in my head
laying on the floor
things to be said
poured over
and spilled out

feeling all the voices
explicitly shout-ing



my heart

and I start to lose myself

but he comes and sits
and listens through all of it
eyes so sad
not the least bit mad
and yet
I always ask if he is
as if wishing to know
if that anger with time will grow
as I deeply fear he will
but the more I spill
the more his heart grows
and the more I know
he will never change

he will love and support me
and I can "rest under" his leadership
as I seek God in all things
He says "be still
one word is all I need"

I ask for help
begging on my knees
and Tyler lifts me up
my answered prayer
and like a cup
I am filled
and love spills
not thoughts

how much love this love has brought...

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