Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Biggest Fan!

There are some
who play
with their dad's

not me
I watched him chop down
that did not need to be chopped

and when we played catch
my face got bopped
and I cried

so I lied
we did play catch

this guy-
well, I thought he was
brighter than the sun in the sky
and still do
he is the only one
that can get through
to me sometimes
who has always seen
a value
to my rhymes

who has listened
as I rambled on and on
about work and friends and such
and through that
I felt loved so much

whether he was in a strip club
or a bar
because of business he was far
but his heart was always near
and he made that clear
as those places he didn't want to be
but he wanted to be with mom, tori, and me

every moment he still says
"hold on, honey...

what's up?"

putting a pause
to the cause for our monetary support
as if anything could afford
to wait
for me

he made me feel so loved
and helped me to understand
that there is more to life
than what is at hand
and yet
to take it

one step at a time

and so this little rhyme
is for the greatest man I have yet to know
and through which I have been shown
such kindness
and have found a guy in his likeness
someone kind and funny and sweet
they say, your dad, you hope to meet

so Dad, thank you for the many moments
great and bad
for all the moments yet to be had
I can't begin to think about life without you
so today
Happy 61st can't wait for 62!

Love you!! 

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