Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The poem written despite a hyper puppy's attempts to destroy my computer, creativity and any form of concentration

Late night with God


any time now
he could come
first breath

and I

to sleep
ohhhh creeps
ice cream

I lean
want to scream
and so
the dreams

are at bay

I turn to a craft
realizing how daft
a late night crafter can be

in between
I look at the art
that is
twists and knots
once forgot
but at the banks found
till wedged
they lay

saying hey
to those
who pass their way

these things
laid on brick
now say hey
look at me today

and I
what our creator sees
for the first time in days

and my heart says


praise that I see
praise that in this moment I can be
without fight
between heart and head
and instead

just believe...

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