Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bare with me, it's been a while!

Life has been filled with random adventures of late, today being one of them. Have you ever been struck by a simple thought that just resonated to your very core?

Some sweet person left a devotional on mine and Ashley's door and today it talked about how serving and loving is more than a calling, it is an outflow of the heart.

What does how your acting say about the outflow of your heart? Are you serving your kingdom or God's (ref. to Paul Tripp's sermon on marriage/relationships)?

There is such a great and beautiful life to live if we will just seize it.

I'll leave you with one last thought.

I was sitting with a class for work and the little girl who was curled up next to me, tugged at my shirt and asked," Are you thinking?" To which I replied," Yes, how did you know?" and she just grinned! I asked her what she was thinking about and she said," How turtles have hard shells."

It seems like such a simple conversation but it hit me so hard. What ARE we thinking about and why? Do we even realize how we are making a difference? Or are we stuck in the muck in our mind created by the problems that life has thrown our way? Time to take this beautiful fall like day, wipe out the spider webs in our house and head, and give a stranger a smile ( :

Hope you enjoy today!


to all of you smart ones who noticed I misused bare, think about it ( :

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