Saturday, July 23, 2011

An Unsung Psalm

Things fall
spirits lift
soul spreads
a sad wisp

is this what I am to be
a shell of what I once called me
lost in a state of definition
caught up in the complexity of cognition

no more thinking
no more drinking
no more of anything

God what will this day bring

I feel like everyone around is better
I feel like everyone around is more

God I know I've felt like this before
when I was down in the dumps
and you lifted me out

you held my hand
and heard my shout
God you lifted me up and made me free
God please help me to remember what I am to be

who I am
what I do
knowing how perfectly I am created in you

a perfect creation
not perfect by me
but all that you have laid out for me

God you are good
wonderful and great
you make perfect
everything that seems late

nothing is overlooked
nothing is not seen
but everything is perfect

even in the in between.

"Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the Lord."
Psalm 31:24

Saturday, July 16, 2011

We Climbed a Mountain!

The rocks cry out
in a glorious sheen
a beautiful sound
but what does it mean

as we weave in and out
of each twisting crevasse
only to see a jumbled mess
of rocks piled
as if dropped from the sky
with no reason
or answer of why
and yet as we perch
to look all around
here at the top
there is a resounding sound

of goodness

of peace of still

well removed by the touch of man's will
to sit and be once more
the only thing worth climbing for

for the wholeness felt
at the cool air smelt

at the peak of the mount
the best healing place to be found

and as you walk again
down the steep terrain
and listen to the pattering
the dripping rain
somehow walking away
among the few
what you already knew.

"I love you, Lord, my strength."
Psalm 18:1

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Your Words Within My Heart

Petals fade
scales made
a beautiful facade
emotions whirling
speculations twirling
forming a tight knit wad
till enters in a breath of air
fragrant sweet, its source so fair
a warmth unknown
the seed is sown

and the transformation starts
your words within my heart

I shed off the scales
of comparison and fear
cast it away
to draw you more near
and the beauty of the light
dispels the night
which once consumed
and compressed
my heart of a messy nest
messy and broken no more
freed from the dirty floor
it once was stomped on and trampled by
my heart is now free, its time to fly
and all because of you.

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and make captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

(verse and inspiration courtesy of the amazing Kelly Hubatka)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Love Poem for Yaweh

Sleepy silent
goodness still
dragging pushing
to find your will

who really knows
who really cares
till we find
that he is still there

that in our exhaustion
we find needed rest
in trials and troubles
he shines the best

no matter what happens
we do or we say
we know that he loves us
in every way

there is no day too far
or too bad
no moment too crazy
or too sad
to be picked up
and turned over again
we are never beyond
restoration from our sin

God has loved us
now and then
and forever more
just put on a perspective
worth living for

wear hope
tie it on tight
and you will always be ready
to each day fight
the norm of crazy
insane and good
to do, as YOU would.

"Praise be to the Lord,
for he showed me the wonders of his love
when I was in a city under siege.
Psalm 31:21

Friday, July 8, 2011

Limitations or Bliss? (what Down's Syndrome children gain or miss)

Squinted eyes
and a brilliant smile
who is this
beautiful child

the one who sees the world
for what it is
and not what its lacking
and spends their time not crying
but laughing
who never meets a stranger
and knows only friends
is this disease a blessing
or the end

the end of normal days
and ways to play
or the beginning of something new
a beauty
that we thought we knew

but when we see it from their eyes
the blueness of the sky
the bounce of each cloud
everything suddenly so bright and so loud

if we could only see
as they do
and knew what they knew
what would life be like?

"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."
Matthew 18:4-5

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Be the Drop


When will
this madness stop

we wait for
one to go
and follow suit
in a
relentless pursuit
of what called us long ago

the answer
already known
the seeds sown
but for convenience rest

lets test
the waters

be the drop

that causes the wave
the movement
that each of us inwardly crave
so lets jump into the mix
do a daring twist
and break

what is stagnant and still.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

War Against the Aging

peace spoken
all we are we are
and yet we are so far
from that we once were
when we ran and played and laughed
and life was good and not sad
and so i dare suggest
that we learn to once more jest
to play and notice something small
to once more catch a ball
and throw it with all of our might

growing up
together, lets fight
and forever young
our souls will be

that's it for me
but will you choose to be free?

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does."
-2 Corinthians 10:3

Coffee Shop Music

My heart
in- and- out
it wants to shout

but it sits
it is
but for what?
to move
to dance
to sing
to prance

the world is ours
and all that is in it

and as we sit
we are
our mind traveling
to worlds yet traversed
well rehearsed

and in this moment
i hide
in the ebb and flow
of the beat
of a song i do not know
but sit and be
i beat

one day
to get off of my feet.

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it"
-Psalm 24:1

Beautiful Things Are Messy

Beautiful things are messy
beautiful things are true
beautiful things
are anything
that remind me of you

a bee buzzing by
a cloud perched
in the sky
a bird that sings
the chimes that ring
and bounce
as the wind swirls and whistles
or a cat waits to pounce

beauty is in the little things
that no one ever sees
beautiful are the hidden things
deep inside of me

beauty is
unknown by many
but experienced by all
as long as we see
under weight no more we fall
but in strength stand and be
beautiful, messy,

"In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free."
-Psalm 188.5 NIV84