Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Our church celebrates Good Friday with a thing called Tenebrae.

This Tenebrae I was blessed to do a spoken word piece with my dear friend Sloane. Cool to see how God has continued that experience from our piece on Jesus' thirst to now- where I still thirst, and God has spoken to me through this beautiful message at my church.

Warehouse Message ( :


I thirst
it haunts
and taunts

though it is done

Lord, You've won
so why am I


and so I empty myself
I hands down hand You my stuff
and hands up receive You- enough

I eat your bread
and drink Your blood
I feed on You
I listen to You
I taste You

and it is good
and You are here
go away fear

please be real
be a full meal
open my heart to take You in
that is for the win.


Hope you guys have a great day and many real moments with Christ today!