Thursday, March 28, 2013


As I sat surrounded by women of all ages- volunteers, friends, children, children forced to leave neverland before they even set foot, I was blown away by their testimonies. More amazing than that though was their absolute love for new people and new friends and their want for you to be a part of their life. Here we were walking into their home with the intent of blessing them. Somehow, I feel like it never works so much that way- I have never been so blessed by anyone in my life as this wonderful group of people.

On a day when I had been contemplating money issues I was brought face to face with a little girl who was borrowing her sister's shoes- 2 sizes smaller and her toes stuck out a few worn holes. Here, money was not the issue, nothing really was an issue, it was all about love and time spent. It probably dates back to a mission trip in Mexico in the early 2000's that I felt this same love and peace. Being at One7 made me realize how essential community is. This is something I have realized in bits and pieces but true intentional community is so beautiful. There was nothing lacking here and their faith? Oh man, their faith would floor a life long Christian. I accidentally volunteered to lead one of the girls small groups in wanting to help and was so intimidated not because I was unprepared but because their hearts were so strong and full of faith for the Lord that I honestly was at a loss in the face of these young women. These ladies were beautiful. Two of the girls had a very apparent love for the Lord and it brought us near to tears. Its amazing how when you see those with less who are so innately blessed, you realize how much more life is than our previous and possibly privileged concepts lead us to perceive/believe.

I don't know where to go from here, or how my life can change, all I know is it needs to.

If you ever get the chance and want to be a part of something amazing going on in Charlotte, you should definitely check out One7 Ministries! It will change your life and you will help to be a positive mentor and new friend to a great group of students and volunteers.

Hope your Maundy Thursday has been filled with remembrance and an opportunity to reflect. I know its an awkward place to go (one I often avoid) but if you actually visualize what happens (as cheesy as it might sound) it makes it more real. Honestly, today when we are "diluted by the world daily" there is nothing more beautiful than a tangible moment with the truth- something we so dearly hold onto but so rarely experience. So lets go there together and challenge the comfortable place we so often sit in for a place that is more awkward possibly but for sure more right. There is no better place to be and in the long run from this change of embracing the awkward I think we will find that we will have become better men and women than we had ever hoped to be.

What a beautiful moment to acknowledge that Jesus died for our sins not as a bandaid or as a coverup but out of love for God's people to truly save them? Hosanna means "God save us" and save us he did. Lets let that love and that truth of our salvation truly sink into our hearts and not just because we are Christians and it is something to do but at the end of the day nothing clears away depression or fear or need like Jesus and there is something truly uniquely beautiful about Christianity and that's a fact. It is hard to acknowledge the truth of it in a society so prone on debate and comfort rather than trust and acceptance but if God has taught me anything it is to trust him and despite all of me he will always provide. I'm praying he provides in your heart in whatever way you need this Easter but most strongly in a way that unifies your life with the path that he has already set out for you! You are wonderful and more loved than you know. Don't ever stop believing that you have a purpose or that you are loved- these are two innate truths that will not and cannot change.

So whoever you are reading this, know that you are loved and that in him you can truly do anything


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