Monday, July 30, 2012

A different kind of love

A different kind of love
not of trinkets
or of tricks
or of dangling sticks
that reach in and catch
the most wonderful guy

no this is a different kind of love
a love that laughs
a love that hurts
that holds each other in the worst
that gives us hope
that gives us life
that helps us trudge
through every strife
and yes
we digress
and sometimes regress
but always dip back into the pail

and yet that love pales
in comparison to you
you who set the world in motion
who slid the sun into place
who designed each line
of every face
and dot in each speck of dirt
what work!
and yet we grumble
and we fuss
our thankfulness we hush
in exchange for wasted words
and wantings
and hauntings

but now, Lord, now I see your face
and my rightful place
here and now in front of you
you who I have known
and have not always seen or felt or heard
even in all of reading your word
and inadequate I sometimes feel
but that is not real

what is real, despite my doubts, is you
you who gets me through
whose hand I feel
and who constantly provides
even when I try to hide
and run
or get lost in the fun
of liv-ing
but you
you love me yet
and you never forget

how you made me. 


  1. beautiful. you may find a book by Henri Nouwen really enlightening/encouraging. Life of the Beloved. you write well.

  2. Thanks Jon! I'll definitely have to check that out
